Committees -> Membership Committee

As a FAMA member if you would like to be part of a committee, please contact the committee chairperson.


The mission of the Membership Committee is to build and strengthen the membership of FAMA by seeking out and signing manufacturers and companies with prime interest in and dedication to, the betterment of the fire service and the fire service industry. We will seek to build membership through those companies who can benefit from their membership in FAMA, and further the goals and missions of FAMA through their contributions to the organization.


The objective of this committee is to qualify and present prospective members to the Board of Directors for ratification.


  1. Actively recruit new prospects in our daily business.
  2. Chairperson to walk show floor during last hour of FDIC and Fire Rescue shows with FAMA president to search out and talk to prospects.
  3. Encourage new members to attend spring and fall meetings to get them involved beyond only Tech Committee meetings.
  4. Engage new members at spring and fall meetings.
  5. Prospect leads should be relayed to Chairperson. Ideally via e-mail.
  6. Chairperson or designated committee members to contact prospect via phone to discuss interest, explain FAMA and pre-qualify prospect.
  7. If prospect is a potential member, notify the Business Manager via email with full info (name, address, email, phone, etc.) for an email to be deployed with membership information and web link to the membership application.
  8. The Business Manager copies e-mail to Chairperson with information packet.
  9. Follow up phone contact made with prospect within 10 days of the Business Manager emailing information.
  10. If an application is , the Business Manager notifies the Membership Committee and presents the application with a request for a vote.
  11. Membership Committee to reply yes or no on the prospects application via email to Chairperson within 1 week.
  12. Chairperson to make sure votes are gathered to report a majority vote yes or no via email to the Business Manager.
  13. FAMA Board then votes on the prospect. If the Membership Committees recommendation to the Board is ratified, the Chairperson is notified via email and an email of is sent to the new member contact.
  14. Within one week of acceptance letter, Chairperson or designated committee member to make contact with new member via email.
  15. Within two weeks of acceptance, a welcome packet should be sent to the new member by the Chairperson.

This packet to include:

  • Welcome cover letter
  • Board and Committees
  • Bylaws
  • Code of Professional Practice
  • Antitrust Guideline
  • Guidelines for Committee Meetings
  • Guidelines for Statistical Programs


Paul Deming (Whelen Engineering Co., Inc.)

Jennifer Hollis (Hansen International, Inc.)